Power Sports
Power Sports
Dealer partnership growth campaign
To create unique and edgy point-of-sale materials that would increase customer awareness of Capital One Financing (COF), improve dealer relations, and place COF in a competitive slot within the sports vehicle marketplace.

Power Sports dealerships are filled with loud and aggressive marketing pieces that showcase speed, excitement, or power. With Capital One Financing, the customer can have it all. Through strategically placed POS, CinemaScope-scale imagery, and pithy messaging, we positioned Capital One as the “dealer of dreams.” We shouted louder than any of the competitors without even raising our voice and directly spoke to the customers who are positioned to utilize Capital One’s Power Sports Financing
We created marketing kits that included POS, collateral, web templates, and in-store interactive elements. The kits were tested in targeted dealerships. These dealerships immediately showed an increase in financing of their products through the COF Power Sports Financing option.